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Myopia Management

Evidence is mounting that too much screen time and not enough time outside may be behind the recent rise in nearsightedness in children. If you have a nearsighted child, you may be wondering if there is any way to treat their blurry distance vision (besides glasses or contacts). The answer is Yes! There are amazing options available for managing myopia, rather than correcting it. Schedule an eye exam with us today to learn more about these methods which may actually slow the progression of myopia.

  • MiSight Lenses
  • Soft Multifocals (Center Distance)
  • Orthokeratology
  • Low Dose Atropine

MiSight® Lenses

MiSight is the only FDA-approved treatment option for myopia management for children age 8-12 years old. These are daily disposable soft contact lenses with a dual focus lens design. Lenses are available in powers -0.50 DS to -6.00 DS. MSight may correct your child’s vision and keep it from getting worse.

Soft Multifocals (Center Distance)

If your child is not a candidate for MiSight lenses based on their prescription, some other soft multifocal contact lenses have shown great efficacy for myopia management. Most of these lenses are not offered in a daily disposable. These lenses are FDA approved for wear but not FDA approved for myopia management.


Orthokeratology (ortho-k) involves the use of custom-designed contact lenses to temporarily reshape the cornea and improve vision. Most ortho-k lenses are worn overnight to gently reshape the cornea while you sleep. This often results in clearer vision throughout the day and possibly eliminates the need for daytime glasses or contact lenses for distance vision. Ortho-k lenses need to be worn every night for optimal vision throughout the day. When used in childhood, ortho-k can slow the progression of myopia and ultimately lead to a lesser degree of it later in life.

The majority of ortho-k patients achieve improved vision in only a few days. Some people with lower levels of myopia have reported their vision corrected 100% after the first night. That may take longer depending on your unique prescription, however. In general, your vision should begin improving after each night as the cornea is gently molded by the lenses. After the first 7 to 10 days, most people notice their vision staying clearer for longer periods of time each day.

This treatment has been FDA-approved for correcting myopia since 1994 but has not yet received FDA approval for myopia management.

Low Dose Atropine

Daily low-dose atropine eye drops used at night have been proven to slow axial elongation of the eye. In simpler terms, myopia occurs when the distance between the cornea to the back of the eye is too long. Atropine drops may slow this progression.

Why Choose Us?

EyeCare Optical has served the East Tennessee community with eye care since 1952. Thousands of patients in our area have received our vision improvement treatments. It’s what motivates us to keep learning about new techniques, honing our skills and using our knowledge to help others. We understand that having vision problems is scary – especially when it’s your child’s eyes. Our entire team spends time with each patient to explain what’s happening inside your eyes, what treatments are available and what to expect with each one. It’s common to feel overwhelmed, so we will do everything we can to set your mind at ease and help you feel comfortable with our recommendations. You’ll receive premium treatment every step of the way. If you need eye care, we’re simply the best choice in East Tennessee.

Our Optometrists

Our board-certified optometrists in Knoxville are fully ingrained in the East Tennessee community and are committed to helping our patients improve and protect their vision.

  • C. Allyn Hildebrand, O.D.
  • Daniel Horton, O.D.
  • Joy Stone, O.D.
  • Sharon Billingsley, O.D.
  • Gregory Everett, O.D.
  • Kathryn V. Kibler, O.D.
  • Alyssa Invergo Taylor, O.D., F.A.A.O.
  • Elick Combs, O.D.
  • Rachel R. Williams, O.D., M.P.H.
  • Shawn Sussmane, O.D.

“Great people and service! I will definitely go back and visit them again!!”
Richard G.