- Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, and all major credit cards
- Cashier or Certified Check payable to Drs. Campbell, Cunningham, Taylor & Haun
- Personal checks and debit cards accepted
- Patients can pay online. Click HERE to set up your account and pay online.
For many surgical procedures, Drs. Campbell, Cunningham, Taylor & Haun now offer 100% financing with approved credit!

- CareCredit – competitive interest, longer-term payment plans
- CareCredit requires a minimum of $300 for loans
- 24-Month Same As Cash Now Available. Click here to get your pre-approval started.
Call (865) 584-2127 and ask about insurance and bill payment questions. We are staffed to answer your out-of-pocket payment requirement questions as well as Medicare and other insurance-related questions.